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@ GameSpace 2016 Exhibition, University of Applied Sciences


In SWIFT the player navigates a drone through an unfamiliar vegetation and the remains of an unknown civilization, to find a hidden droid that holds on to the information needed to fulfill his mission. He has to sneak up and initiate the hacking process, which results into the flight of the drone. To accomplish his mission, the player has to chase his target and stay close to receive the rest of the needed information.


Project Duration:  9 weeks

Production Date:  2015-2016

Team Size:  2 people

Platform / Engine:  PC, Unreal 4 / Blueprint Scripting

Project Task:  Combine the Unreal Open World Demo Collection with a self-made modular asset system and create a sci-fi-drone game.



Concept, Scripting, Interface, Project Organisation

I mainly worked on the concept realization and implementation of the game mechanics in Unreal 4. Furthermore, I designed the interface and was involved in the development of the art style and level design.


Based on the given task and our group size, we decided to keep the game mechanics simple and focused on the modular asset system. Nonetheless, we wanted to have gameplay and settled on an idea pretty fast. The basic concept was to create gameplay based on a "capture the drone" game mechanic. The player has to find another drone on a map and has to chase it as it tries to escape.


I began with the implementation of the basic gameplay mechanics, so we could test them and adjust the level design as well as the asset system accordingly.

After redesigning our game mechanics, we reorganized our tasks as well. My main responsibility became working on the concept realization and the implementation of game mechanics. I worked directly together with our level designer Philipp to optimize the gameplay and adjust the asset system to it.


While debugging, I started to create a minimalist interface for the game. It was my intention to keep it very simple and understandable so players would instantly know what to do. In the end, I created text feedback to signalize the player's specific events and possible actions.



SWIFT was the last big project during my study. As it was such a big project, dividing the workload between two people wasn't always easy, resulting in leaving out certain game content (e.g. audio feedback). Nevertheless, we handled the situation and created a simple game, but with a unique asset system. In the process, I gained a lot of experience with Unreal Engine 4, Blueprint Scripting, and the organization of tasks and directing responsibilities.

Project Information
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